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Neighbors 65 years & older—Vaccine Pre-Registration is Open

This is a quick update to any Stuart residents 65 years and older. The Kalamazoo County Healthy and Community Services Department announced earlier this month that a COVID-19 vaccine pre-registration form is available online. Kalamazoo Country residents age 65 and over who are interested in getting vaccinated should use this online form to place your name on a waitlist with the health department.

The department is experiencing extremely high call volume. If you are able to use this online form, please do. This will ensure that the phone lines remain open to those who do not have a way to complete the form online or do not have technology to complete the form.

If technology makes you nervous, fear not! Upon submission, there's no need to call to confirm that your form was received. You will be notified (according to the preferred contact method requested) when we have vaccine supply and appointments available to schedule.


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